Wednesday 24 August 2011

cherry nails :)

I saw a design by cutepolish on YouTube, and I fell in love with it and had to do my nails this way.

I didn't have time to make cherrys on al my nails so I just made it on the ringfinger og the thumb.

For this design I  used O.P.I alpine snow as the base color  with O.P.I base coat under and O.P.I top coat over.

I was very pleased with my result and got a lot of comments on it at work.
the only negative thing about this design is the O.P.I nailpolish.

I don't like to go to work when I have O.P.I on my nails because the polish "flakes" very easily and not just the corners but really big flakes. I work in a kitchen supplies store and I don't really do that much things that can ruin my nails. I will do a reveiw on different nailpolishes in a bit, so I'll leave it at that for now.

you can easily see that I had to do touch up on my middle finger before I toke this photo.
(these photos was taken 9 hours after finishing the deign.) 

Do you have O.P.I in your colletion?
How does it work for you?

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